This document describes how to get updated to AF-5000 V16 software if you are starting from AF-5000 software older than 15.01.23. You can view your current EFIS system software from the CHECK --> ABOUT page.
Note that non-touchscreen (OS1) AF-5000 EFIS displays are not compatible with V16 system software; the latest release for OS1 devices is 12.08.10.
Download the latest system software for your OS5 touchscreen EFIS from this link:
The system software will download as an .AFZ file. The .AFZ file extension is only recognized with AF-5000 software version 15.01.23 and later. You will need to rename the extension to .ZIP in order to extract the contents so that we can install it on your EFIS. If you are on Windows, make sure to check the "File name extensions" box in the View ribbon tab to allow file extensions to be visible:
Click on the download icon to select it, then click on the text of the icon again to rename it. By default, everything except the .AFZ file extension is selected.
Press the END key on the keyboard or use the mouse to select the end of the filename, delete "afz", type "zip" and hit enter. Windows will ask you if you really want to do this, choose yes.
Open the newly renamed zip file. You need to extract the contents to the root folder of your USB media. Depending on how you unzip the contents, it may try to put these items in a subfolder named AF5000VX16XXXX-TOUCH-MV16, but your EFIS will not recognize install files located here. The following pictures show correct and incorrect locations for the installer contents to be placed on your USB drive:
With the install files correctly extracted to your USB media, remove it from your computer and install it in the EFIS. Go to SET--> CAL--> Admin Settings --> Upgrade System. Choose the install file from the list, and use the softkeys on the right to start the upgrade.
If you have two or more AF-5000 screens, the installer must be run separately on each screen.
Once the software is updated on all screens in the panel, make sure all your avionics and autopilot are powered on, go to SET--> CAL--> Advanced SV Network, on the PFD screen specifically, and press SCAN, then UPDT to update all SkyView Network devices.